King Kong

Email 1 :


When it comes to Advertising things can get a bit minotinouse, bland and a bit boring ​at times,

It doesn't have to be, yes it requires work, on your behalf, (Thats where we come in), as long as you are Dedicated,  YOU will go FAR,  we are here to guide you with every step

lets face it when the money comes in, we DON'T want it to stop do we, and W e aim to deliver on that promise from day 1 here is your link for your FREE e-book, click the link and start the process of expanding your mind (and your Bank Account) 

Welcome to the Family!

In this Guide you will find some of the most eye opening tips to help drive your conversion rates through the ROOF and turn it into Pure Profit.

Hesetate not thats not all we have, we have an ARSENAL up our sleeve of Advertising Genius,

Over the next series of emails we will, not only make them ALL available to you,

We will do our best to make sure you understand it too, If  you want to make money, you must first gain Experience,

(Which is where WE come in)

 You must learn to be patient and strike at the right time. We will make sure you understand Everything!

Dont Worry.

We got you!!!

Email 2 :
I sat at the desk,
 coffee in hand, (The smell of hot C ofee Beans brewing in the morning, (MMMM)

Ready to start my day, logged into my Google Accounts, when something hit me

I turned

(Like Mike Tyson after he came out of prison and demolished Peter Mcneely)   

I spat my cofee all over the screen in disbeleif ( my stomach churned ) and I turned   

That sinking feeling was getting Deeper and Deeper, The walls started to close in on me like i was locked in revolving room, the walls just kept getting closer and closer, Panic set in!
My bank balance was -$2500

My initial reaction was that of pure dred, what am i going to do, how will i feed my kids!!!

A sense of calmness washed over me, (Like an outer body experience, I saw me watching myself from afar)

  I snapped out of it and got  back to work, not one to give up i pushed myself hard, harder than ever, I hardly slept, I hardly eat, after a month of non-stop work,​ I felt Broken, Bruised and Battered,  A shell of a man, (Although i didn't really feel like a man),  I had barely enough energy to get up from the desk, I ached all over.

I looked at myself in the mirror and I didn't like what was staring back at me at all, It was like a HORROR film, I panicked at first, all i felt was discust,
Discusted with how i looked.
Discusted with how i acted.

It was bad!!!

Don't believe me!

Try not to laugh too loud.

Let's get back to it.

After the initial shock, I thought, long  and hard  about how I could rectify my situation,  years of hard work, $1000s of dollars spent trying to find the perfect method,

In the next email i will start feeding you this information so you can start Implementing it as soon as possible, so you, Too can also be Financialy Free, and give your Kids the life they Deserve!!!

We have now been in business a long time and made our clients a Lot Of Money!

Now we want to do the same for You!

It changed Everything for me, I could buy my kids Anything they wanted and not have to worry anout how much i was Spending, it bought so much Relief and for me and my Family,

I had a whole host of ideas that started to slowly float to the surface, 1 idea, turned into 2, 2 turned into 4 like a chain reaction, they just kept coming, I got my mojo back and I started making some Money, for r eal the first time in my life, i was making,serious money.

I sat down at the computer and just stared at it, for like 2 hours, just trying to find some creative thought, some genius idea, something, just something to start the creative juices flowing, you know!

Double shot of esspresso down,ready lets get some work  done.

I woke the next morning, more determined than ever, I felt a little more like myself, (maybe that little break down give me a reality check) got a bit more rest than previously, felt very good about the day, optimistic, could'nt quite put my finger on it.

 I felt like i had failed my kids and that broke me, as a father, their protector, their rock, their hero, that is the single,

I turned off the computer and went to bed determined to get a good nights sleep, trying my best to hold my shame in, i went to give my kids a good night kiss and i just burst in to tears, i felt like such a disapointment, That is when you know you have hit rock bottom.

I looked 10 years my senior and I fealt it!

I fealt SICK!


Like Eddie Morra taking his first hit of NZT-48 in Limitless.

I started thinking about my kids​, and how much joy they bring me, which lead me to stare at the screen for 2 hours daydreaming, LoL.

So Hard!!!

I held them so, so tight, i told myself i have to succeed for my family!


let me tell you.

Email 3 :

Stop what you are doing Immidiately!!!

No this is  " Not  Spam",  I repeat, this is " Not Spam", this is the Start of a better you (And a Richer you) for the rest of your life !

lets take a deep dive into the root of your problem!
Lets break it down, what is the end goal here, to become F inancialy Free and live that Dream Life right!
We have personally helped our clients make over $1.33 BILLION in Sales in 416 different Industries!
So you increase your Budget CPLS and CPAS and what happens, they Skyrocket, and your ROAS drops throught the floor. 

Now kets do the same for you!!!

You can't hit your growth goals, so you "NORMALISE" this level of sales growth, it's a " VISCIOUS AND DEADLY CYCLE", that will lead you to Owning a Mediocre Company!

I'm going to reveal the Fastest, Simplist and Most Certain Way, for you to get as many customers as possible, using Google Ads! 

But don't just take our word!

Here is the money-Multiplying Proof!

Make this 1 change to your Google Ads Account and you'll 10x your Results, whilst lowering your CPC's, lowering your CPL's/CPA's, Increase your Quality Scores, All whilst Generating Sky-High ROI.

Think It's Not Possible?

This is a little Technique we like to call S.K.A.G

S ingle  K eyword  A d  G roups

You put just 1 single Keyword (Search Term) in an Ad Group, then, write a Super-Targeted Ad for that Specific Keyword.


They're Laser - Targeted, and they Convert a Whole lot better. Giving you a Higher Quality Score!

That's just Step 1

Step 2 Is a Real Eye-Opener.

Think Again!

Stay tuned for the next Email, Where you will learn something New! and Exciting! 


Sound Good!

Email 4 :

A Lot of Agencies, are "Ok" at what they do, some are even "Good" but there are only a Select Few that are Elite!

We at King Kong Advertising,  are not happy with just "ok" results, we want E xtraudinary results, every time.

Ok maybe not Every time.

"ok" just Doesn't cut it anymore, it used to, when the clicks were $0.20 a piece.

But, now it's generally too competative online.

This leads us to Step 2 :

Most people don't no how to write an Ad, or more Importantly they don't understand the purpose of an Ad.

They try to "SELL" people on the Ad itself, but , It's impossible to do that.

Your Ad has 1 purpose, and that purpose is to get people to, click on it.

Your Ads Must  Demand!

They should be I nfatuated  with it, It's got to be that good, that you want them to click on it Immediately, (not buy)

Which leads us to Step3:

On Google 2% of the Advertisers get 50% of the Traffic.

In other words, It's a Winner takes all game !

So, the first thing you have to think about is, D ont be overly Aggressive!!!

The best way to do this is, something we like to call a H.V.C.O.

High-Value Content Offer

This is, a little Low-Commitment Offer for a request for "More Information".

This gets your prospect to raise their hand - in a sea of people - to identify themselves as being intrested in what you are S elling.

This is only the 3rd Step.

We have another 9 Steps!!!

Do you want access to the most Sophisticated  platform in advertising, backed with Actual proof  and experience!

Do you want to unlock hidden pockets of profit, from any Google Ads Account!

Click Here!

12 Insider Trade-Secrets to Double Sales & Profits from your Google Ads Campaigns!

It's FREE!!!

Get the Life You Diserve!!!


Email 5 :


The world runs on m oney, Everything Costs something!

And a lot of Agencies don't have it,   so they  are very Limited to what you can do without money!

Wouldnt it be nice  not  to  have to Keep checking your bank balance, to find it keeps going down, when  bill, after  bill,  after  bill, keeps pileing up 1  by 1 by 1.

I'ts so D raining and i know, because I did the same thing just like you.

Mindlessly scrolling through the Internet just looking for the perfect oportunity to make you rich!

And you could spend years  doing this, like I said, I know from personal experience that this strategy DOES NOT WORK!

I Literally turned myself into a ZOMBIE!

We don't want that for you!

Thats why we put this guide together so other people don't have to endure what I had too.

I went from checking my bank Balance every day, to the point where i never  have to check it again!

We did the h ard work, so you don't have to waste you're family time,  this will change the rest of you're life.

For the Better!!!

You could do anything  and  everything  you ever dreamed of.

Just Imagine you take your kids to School (Private School), go home to your Beach house!

Step out your door, on to the Beach   Feel the Sand  between your toes, The Sun   on your face.

Close your E yes and Listen.

Can you hear it?

The sound of the Wind whistling!

Can you hear the Waves splashing!

Birds chirping!


We r eally want all  of this for you.

All you need to do is Impliment the things we  teach you.

Then, when you think you are ready   you can move on to the next phase.

This Link will give you more information about us,  w hat we do and how we do it.

The N ext Phase is to join 1 of our courses  and really start pushing yourself, to see what you  are really capable of.

We believe in you!


Trying to juggle a Family life, at the same time is exusting!!!